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Year in Color

Year in Color

The series “Year in Color” began in 2011 and renders the abstract concept time and its measurement into visual and literal form through the medium of color and shape The works are composed of small individual paintings.  In these small paintings, each of which represents either an individual day or week, I translate a day's personal experiences and moods into a single color. This color is then combined with a neutral tone according to universal patterns such as the percentage of the moon that was in shadow on that date. Each year these installations have looked at different elements and ways of visualizing and tracking time. Days have been organized sequentially into weeks either horizontally or vertically while looking at the relationship of day to night, or sunrise and sunset, and waking and sleeping. In this body of work, I strive to create an eloquent balance between my personal perceptions and universally recognized structures that represent the passage of time.


  • Album created by Carol Ladewig
  • Updated
  • 6 images
  • 2 image comments

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