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Must Read Guidelines

Album Image Sequence

Images in an album are displayed based on their time stamp and not necessarily in the order shown in the upload area. 

The uploader does not specifically have an "order."  If you upload multiple files at a time, one file could potentially take longer to upload than others in the queue.  If you want to define a specific order, you can upload each image individually to be sure you know exactly in what order the server received them and take into account that the last one uploaded will be shown first in your album. 

Engage with others and share ideas about your art projects & inspiration.  Be sure to click on the guidelines link above which include image sequence tips.


  1. Birds arrive

    Spring brings a variety of birds to the coastal areas of Maine.  I await their arrival every year with my camera in hand.  Photographing birds in a manner that is more than just a good portrait in good light or a good execution of the camera autofocus or tracking technique is a challenge.  I am interested in bird images that give a little more context.  I struggle with this subject matter and I am hoping to have a few "keepers" this year.
    • Album created by Raul Jarquin
    • Updated
    • 6 images
    • 6 images
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