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Carol Ladewig

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Everything posted by Carol Ladewig

  1. Hi Eliza, The shift which I didn't see until I had put it altogether, surprise and delighted me, think it reflects the change of seasons and places, the colors in Fall going to Winter become deeper and darker. I worked both in Oakland and in the Berkshires.
  2. Carol Ladewig

    Year in Color

    The series “Year in Color” began in 2011 and renders the abstract concept time and its measurement into visual and literal form through the medium of color and shape The works are composed of small individual paintings. In these small paintings, each of which represents either an individual day or week, I translate a day's personal experiences and moods into a single color. This color is then combined with a neutral tone according to universal patterns such as the percentage of the moon that was in shadow on that date. Each year these installations have looked at different elements and ways of visualizing and tracking time. Days have been organized sequentially into weeks either horizontally or vertically while looking at the relationship of day to night, or sunrise and sunset, and waking and sleeping. In this body of work, I strive to create an eloquent balance between my personal perceptions and universally recognized structures that represent the passage of time.
  3. From the album: Year in Color

    acrylic/gouache on panels, 34.2 x 43.5 in In 2014, I decided to chronicle day and night on 4 x 6 Inch wood panels. The panels are organized into units of 4 weeks, two 4 week segments on a panel, with the last 4 week segment as a single panel. The color for night is painted directly on the wood panel, the color for day is then added.
  4. Carol Ladewig

    The Seasons: Fall 2018

    From the album: Year in Color

    The installations are composed of small individual paintings, which are combined to form a grid. . The “2016 -2018 Year in Color” represents a departure from previous years with a change of structure: the grid form is opened up. The shape of the individual panels has moved from either a rectangle or square to circles, triangles, and squares. The year is organized by the Solstices and Equinoxes, an early form of de-marking time, rather than the Gregorian calendar of previous years. This is the fourth section of Seasons:, “Fall", which starts on September 22 and ends on December 22, 2019. The color for daytime is developed using the same process as previous years and night is rendered in a gray color rather than black or dark blue. I chose to change the color and value for night to decrease the demarcation between night and day and more closely reflect the light in the night sky.

    © Carol Ladewig 2021

  5. Carol Ladewig

    Year in Color 2015

    From the album: Year in Color

    Prismacolor pencil, Acrylic/gouache on wood panels (12- 12 x 6 inches mounted on a frame) 12 x 72 x 2 Inches. In 2015, I included the writing that is usually the invisible component in my practice as the daily color/notation and then assigned a color which was a blend of the days for the month.

    © Carol Ladewig 2021

  6. Carol Ladewig

    Year in Color 2013- May

    From the album: Year in Color

    To document 2013 for my "Year in Color" project, I decided to chronicle daylight (sunrise) and night (sunset) times, adding linear elements to indicate waking and sleeping times. The individual days, assembled into month-long panels, represent a personal visual diary within in an universal context. The individual days, assembled into month-long panels, represent a personal visual diary within in an universal context.

    © Carol Ladewig 2021

  7. From the album: Year in Color

    acrylic/gouache on black gessoed wood panels, 70 x 135 in The 2012 time project documents the phase of the moon for each day of the year on 5 x 5 inch wooden panels of varying depth.

    © Carol Ladewig 2021

  8. From the album: Year in Color

    Acrylic/gouache on 365 canvas panels (each panel is 6 x 6 in, varying depth of 3/4 inch to 1.5 inches) overall dimensions: 7 feet x 13 1/2 feet. The days hang in units of 14 days. This is the first work in the Year in Color series. I decided to document the year using six inch canvas panels. The colors were derived from mixing several varieties of red, blue, yellow, and white. The color for each day began with the previous day's color, and developed from responses to events, coupled with a curiosity about and love of color.

    © Carol Ladewig 2021

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